Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Are the Yankees Conceding the AL East?

Based upon the New York Yankees decision to hold off Roger Clemens for the series with the White Sox. Do you feel that the Yankees are now playing for the wild card? Tell me your opinions and give some details.

1 comment:

IC said...

It's very simply, Joe Bo. The Red Sox have the highest OBP in the majors. The White Sox have one of the lowest.

Which would you rather a 44-year-old, 6-inning pitcher face?

The Yankees haven't given up on the division, but a win is a win is a win. Clemens has a much better chance to get the Yankees a win playing the ChiSox in his homecoming then pitching AT Fenway.

On a related note: 14.5 games is so many. I can't wait until someone brings up 1978 like that has any relevance.